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Thursday, January 14, 2010

TODAY Online : Marry, so I can get a flat?

Marry, so I can get a flat?

10:30 PM Jan 11, 2010

Letter from Cheang Kai Wai

I refer to "Asset that keeps growing" (Dec 30) and "Allow young adults to buy HDB flats".

I echo Mr Gurmit Singh Kullar's sentiment that single Singaporeans over the age of 35 with a roof over their heads would have the urge to settle down more readily.

Provided that the right soul-mate would comes along, of course.

However until that day comes, a small group of us are deprived of an opportunity to get a flat due to the Housing and Development Board's (HDB) red tapes governing the 'Eligibility for Loan' policies.

I share my experience:

I am currently over 35 and hold a stable job. However, due to my past spending habits, I am currently in a situation where I am repaying outstanding debts to commercial banks. Therefore over the course of six months, I failed to secure any available commercial bank loan due to my bad credit ratings.

I approached HDB for aid in granting me a 'Eligibility for Loan' approval so that I can purchase my own flat.

However despite several attempts, I was rejected again and again because I had failed to satisfy the one condition stipulating the 'maximum income cap ceiling' .

HDB's only reason for rejecting me is that my salary exceeds this income ceiling. Thus, I am placed in a situation when a hardworking Singaporean who tries his best to earn his keep is being penalised for earning too much. Despite justifying my situation, I am deemed to be not deserving of any aid. These attempts also failed even with the assistance from my Member of Parliament.

I can only conclude that if a Singaporean - who has tried all other means to secure a roof over his head - cannot depend on the HDB, then who else can we depend on?

Apparently in my situation, I am left to fend for myself.

Maybe our other alternative is to just find someone - anyhow, anywhere - to get married to just to be eligible to get a flat.

We would get divorced later when we realise that the foundation of this marriage is based on the wrong needs - the need for a HDB flat.

No wonder divorce cases are arising very year.

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